Thursday 28 February 2019


Ok, I am not perfect.
I over use ellipsis (...).
I did not know an interrobang existed  (‽ or ?!?!?!). I thought I had invented it and had not bothered to give it a name.

But what drives me CRAZY is the misuse of the apostrophe on public signs to show possession of plural nouns.
I walked into a posh office and the sign read "Board Member's Room". I asked, "Does this room only belong to ONE board member?"
The answer clearly was that the room belonged to ALL board members.
"Well," I replied, "the apostrophe is in the wrong place. It is supposed to be AFTER the 's'."
The sign has not been fixed...I have not been invited back.

Mens' wear should be Men's wear.
Womens' locker room should be Women's locker room.
Childrens' education should be Children's education.

Possessive nouns are SO much easier to teach in Spanish.
Again, I am not perfect.

1 comment:

  1. While you may not be perfect, some verb tenses are ;)
